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Guidelines for working with us.
Specifications For Mechanical Binding
Allow 1/8” trim off spine of signatures
Use light perforation on head and spine (please do not over perforate which could create gathering problems with signatures pulling apart).
Signatures can be folded without a lip.
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Perfect Bound Specifications and Guidelines
Allow 1/8”grind off spine of signatures.
Use light perforation on head and spine (please do not over perforate which could create gathering problems with signatures pulling apart).
On first page first signature and last page last signature, mask 3/16” area free of links and coatings beyond the 1/8” grind for side glue application.
Mask back inks and coatings 1/16” on all other pages (excluding the first page and last page) beyond the grind off. This is done so that there can be better glue adhesion to text stock.
Signature can be folded without a lip.
On very thin books (1/8”) spine may have a slight rounded effect.
One-up cover to equal untrimmed signature size head to foot plus 1/8” head and 1/8” foot for glue trapping. Please match trims and bleeds with signatures.
Minimum flat cover size for a perfect bound book must be at least 9-1/2” left to right.
On inside of cover if printed, please mask back inks and coatings where spine and side glue adheres. This dimension will be the bulk of book plus 3/16” front and 3/16” back for side glue.
If covers are UV coated, please note that you may experience some enhanced cracking of coating where spine wraps book as well as where cover hinges.
For any special specifications such as gatefolds, foldouts, special coatings, etc. Please call for further guidelines.
On hardcover books spine can be square or round back.
End leaves should be .006 (80#uncoated) or thicker on hardcover books.
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Specifications of Smyth Sewn Hardbound Books
1All signatures mush have lip on high folio side. We recommends 3/8-1/2 inch.
There is
no perforation
on the spine of signatures that are going to be
On page one of signature one and last page of last signature mask back, free of inks and coatings, 3/16” for end sheet tipping.
Mask back last page of first signature and first page of last signature, as well as first page and last page on final fold on all other signatures (pp1 and pp16) 1/16” free of inks and coatings.
Allied recommends minimum head, foot and low folio face trim of 1/8”.
Any additional tips must be mask backed 3/16” on the tip as well as the signature in which it is being tipped.
All four and two page signatures must be tipped between regular full signatures.
We recommends that the grain of the text and the end sheets run parallel to the binding side to minimize wrinkles (waves) in the paper.
All furnished end sheets mush be at least .006 thick (80# uncoated Vellum or 100# smoothe).
Any excess trims need to be divided evenly between the head and foot. Please check with us if there is any additional trim amount in advance.
On thin books, backbone of spine will rock front to back, minimum spine board is ¼”.
Headbands: the bulk of book must be 5/16” or greater to have headbands.
Signatures to sew must be folded 16s or greater. Eight page signatures can be sewn intermittently throughout the 16s.
If a Smyth sewn book consists of all eight page sigs, they must be nested to form 16 page sigs.
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Allied Binding Company
1145 Wicomico Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
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